Transaction 0xfab476e4c7cb5264577b3677f74be27c8a59f9f87c921a757ac31927d4162f0b
Transaction Information
TxHash: | 0xfab476e4c7cb5264577b3677f74be27c8a59f9f87c921a757ac31927d4162f0b |
Status: | Success |
Block Height: | 27,299,044 (1,164,155 block confirmations) |
TimeStamp: | 15-Dec-2024 06:55:15 |
From: | 0xc17bbbd33d11dba8b0a1ff0ebbcacc05aabd89b6 |
To: | 0x54c35b068da5ceeb4dfbd5051dbebe1e6e14bf80 |
Value: | 0 ($0.00) |
Gas Limit: | 20,971,520 |
Gas Used By Txn: | 25,805 (200,000) |
Gas Price: | Ξ0 |
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: | Ξ0 ($0.00) |
Nonce: | 11554 |
Input Data: | |
Details: |
setFeePercent(percent=0)the fox can how for the fox can how for the fox can how for dsd fwe (R-TSG) Contract Type=Fees, Environment=efixii-UAT |