Transaction 0xd60eee66460c6c4a59714738931f6d56f7659a69042d32346a1a4a63cfdf11c3
Transaction Information
 TxHash: 0xd60eee66460c6c4a59714738931f6d56f7659a69042d32346a1a4a63cfdf11c3
Status: Failed - The recipient of the tokens has not passed KYC.
Block Height: 21,022,446 (5,473,442 block confirmations)
TimeStamp: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 14:40:37 GMT
From: 0xd5f3fda23d41378339b64bc4d61f0f187ef6daa2
To: 0x97b2e211c5ed4da34450d478868320ed23f9d65e
Value: 0 ($0.00)
Gas Limit: 10,485,760
Gas Used By Txn: 24,453 (3,000,000)
Gas Price: Ξ0
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: Ξ0 ($0.00)
Nonce: 2563
Input Data: Function: exportTokens(address who,uint256 quantity)
Details: exportTokens(who=0x18580547f90d0b9a5e57b75d13f945cdf858a1c3, quantity=100000)

Yo Mobile (YOYO)

Contract Type=Dso, Environment=upstream-SIT

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