Transaction 0xb34687297fece66ceff4f9d99e42941869c4c05fb365dc83266f69c5eb6d5c14
Transaction Information
 TxHash: 0xb34687297fece66ceff4f9d99e42941869c4c05fb365dc83266f69c5eb6d5c14
Status: Failed - You must be the Banker to execute this function.
Block Height: 2,094,521 (24,407,396 block confirmations)
TimeStamp: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 12:38:55 GMT
From: 0x432f7a42178f9eb172914713f5854145014fd209
To: 0x32ebb49802c111196d7c2210e0904564e0039a0a
Value: 0 ($0.00)
Gas Limit: 10,485,760
Gas Used By Txn: 23,032 (90,000)
Gas Price: Ξ0
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: Ξ0 ($0.00)
Nonce: 257
Input Data: Function: withdraw(address who,uint256 quantity)
Details: withdraw(who=0x52c1712c51044b3d3f7c2a4dfa176154bb7209ff, quantity=999999900000)

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