Transaction 0x80afa9c720961e5ad33948910142c4212c1f44f573e86b7c5e41d6d10b039327
Transaction Information
 TxHash: 0x80afa9c720961e5ad33948910142c4212c1f44f573e86b7c5e41d6d10b039327
Status: Success
Block Height: 10,893,439 (15,616,933 block confirmations)
TimeStamp: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 21:44:42 GMT
From: 0xa2e30a66e1504e091c0da58e47ca290a8f7d9215
To: 0x3635a72a9e73cf84875b06c896b5a115c6ff0ff0
Value: 0 ($0.00)
Gas Limit: 10,485,760
Gas Used By Txn: 42,530 (200,000)
Gas Price: Ξ0
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: Ξ0 ($0.00)
Nonce: 16419
Input Data:
Details: setFeePercent(percent=2)

Alibaba and the bottle (AAT)

Contract Type=Fees, Environment=upstream-SIT

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