Transaction 0x3b0e2b00b1d8e9100bc59c92f5c10ddad95030e8d132e8d7f1992eb5afdd22c3
Transaction Information
 TxHash: 0x3b0e2b00b1d8e9100bc59c92f5c10ddad95030e8d132e8d7f1992eb5afdd22c3
Status: Success
Block Height: 27,299,045 (1,141,642 block confirmations)
TimeStamp: 15-Dec-2024 06:55:19
From: 0xc17bbbd33d11dba8b0a1ff0ebbcacc05aabd89b6
To: 0x96b99e4a229f158198cce103bd25440ade329508
Value: 0 ($0.00)
Gas Limit: 20,971,520
Gas Used By Txn: 47,880 (200,000)
Gas Price: Ξ0
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: Ξ0 ($0.00)
Nonce: 11555
Input Data: Function: setAuthorisedSource(address who,bool isAuthorised)
Details: setAuthorisedSource(who=0x9e9b17f6271b687a9c34d1bb0d8961f22b5e345e)

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Contract Type=Ats, Environment=efixii-UAT

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