Address 0x450ebc6902a88ba131dad76f16f12bf3c79c9824
NFT Name: $100K Retro Fit Voucher
NFT Symbol: RF100KNFT
Description: This NFT entitles the owner to a $100,000 credit / voucher for any Retrofit job done by the Company or its affiliates. On the Company’s current scheduling and Retro bay availability calendar, the wait for a conversion spot could take up to 36 months. We are working to reduce our wait time to less than 12-months. The more techs we train the faster retro spots will open, and that is the purpose of this NFT project. (Value: $100,000)
Create Time:
3/9/2023 8:05:36 PM
Reserve Price:
List of transactions
A total of 11 transactions.