Address 0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0
NFT Name: Inferno Dino
Description: Step into the enchanting world of Little Rex, an NFT project by the renowned artist David E. Wilson. Immerse yourself in the captivating narrative woven into this 12"x16" vibrant canvas painting, a redeemable masterpiece that brings the digital and physical realms together seamlessly. Own not just an NFT but a portal to an artist's imagination, where every stroke tells a story waiting to unfold in your space. Little Rex is not just an artwork; it's a journey waiting to be embarked upon. Once purchased and redeemed please DM David Wilson on Instagram or X (twitter) @4stillrunning with your email address, redemption code, wallet #, and shipping information to receive your art!
Image Media
Create Time:
1/9/2024 8:37:22 PM
Reserve Price:
List of transactions
Transaction Hash Block Time Signature
0x90d...eef93 0x1538850 1/12/2024 2:32:41 PM transferFrom(from=0x59fb437f5edc8842167b460dc2b446cec08e8bcc, to=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, quantity=1)
0xcad...90bd6 0x152A17B 1/9/2024 8:38:59 PM offer(seller=0xde51f8bde4e4d2d6e5f2e57d471e3a5c1ad2e4de, id=638404295359320397, quantity=3, price=750.00, expiry=31/12/2034 23:59:59)
0x387...7f308 0x152A175 1/9/2024 8:38:35 PM setAuthorisedTarget(who=0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0)
0x282...ec597 0x152A171 1/9/2024 8:38:19 PM setAuthorisedSource(who=0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0)
0x33b...fbacb 0x152A170 1/9/2024 8:38:15 PM setTokenContract(contractAddress=0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0)
0x220...ce1aa 0x152A16E 1/9/2024 8:38:07 PM setAuthorisedSource(who=0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0)
0x533...0eb89 0x152A16A 1/9/2024 8:37:51 PM setAtsContract(contractAddress=0x1843d7224e583c7b0d7550858537fb86c103e7d8)
0xb77...a482d 0x152A169 1/9/2024 8:37:47 PM setAuthorisedSource(who=0x533607c6e5830b51a246ffd484de6eee3568df68)
0x752...dce43 0x152A167 1/9/2024 8:37:39 PM ATS_1(tokenContract_=0x37f882617c0bb4e70fbc577726bca7f082cc54c0, dollarContract_=0xf8ffcc693b1efb8bd694ec5eb467c45a49508f67, feesContract_=0x7cd3cfebcfb51817c2e12f223a6bc3c49361035d)
0xe33...1ae26 0x152A165 1/9/2024 8:37:31 PM ???()

A total of 10 transactions.
